Friday, March 30, 2012

6 YEARS OF DECEPTION should you kick her lying ass to the curb?

What would you do if you found out the woman you have been with for the past 6 years real name was different than what you've known her by and she was married with two children, and the only reason you're finding out now is because she found out her husband and one of her children were killed in a car accident. Do you stand by her? Do you kick her lying ass to the curb?
Please leave a comment. Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Who Gets Hit Off

What's the big deal stud,fem (women who love women) This seems to be a issue in he lesbian community. Scenario: You're in a situation;you're a stud you meet a couple and the fem is fine, the stud is masculine but equally attractive in a boi sort of way. You end up in a hotel room with vibrators dildos etc. Who gets hit off?

Monday, March 26, 2012

The bonafide stud

Why do many of these AG's more commonly (well at least the ones i see) among the young ones but some of theses old dykes too,feel they have to walk around; pants hanging off there ass, holding their crotch, talking nigga this, nigga that and talk reckless about women like there whores? Does this behavior make them more of bonafide stud? Thoughts?

Friday, March 23, 2012

How could you really not consider yourself bi-sexual

"yes I sleep with men, but only because of the money. I consider myself a lesbian.
I cant believe she said that, now she really got it twisted.
What do you think?

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Stud on Stud Dating

Why do people; even other lesbians hate on Studs who date other Studs but are okay with Fem on Fem relationships?