Friday, March 30, 2012

6 YEARS OF DECEPTION should you kick her lying ass to the curb?

What would you do if you found out the woman you have been with for the past 6 years real name was different than what you've known her by and she was married with two children, and the only reason you're finding out now is because she found out her husband and one of her children were killed in a car accident. Do you stand by her? Do you kick her lying ass to the curb?
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  1. I would ask her why and depending on her answer and mind you it's will have to be a good one.Depending on that will make my decsion.

  2. It has been said that, "What's in a name? that which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet."

    Do you love her, or do you love the name?

    More importantly, CAN YOU FORGIVE someone you love? And can you practice AGAPE - unconditional love? Will you support her BECAUSE OF love, through a terrible and unimaginable loss?

    If the answer to the above is NO, then the issue is not with her, but with you...

    My prayers are with you both in this difficult time.

  3. That is sad, but I don't think I could be with her in a relationship anymore because lying to that degree to someone that you trust to sleep with at night for 6 years is not a small thing...IT IS DECEIT! If you trust a person enough to invest your time in them for 6 years then they should know all the IMPORTANT details of your life, and I would think a husband and 2 kids is PERTINENT information! Even if she was running from abuse, that is even more of a reason to confide in your mate. More importantly....WHY DOES SHE NOT HAVE HER KIDS OR EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE THEM?!

  4. If she's running From an abusive past then i Will stay with her And Love her even more. If she is just a liar with a shady past she's out with yesterdays trash! Love or not, don't lie to me!!!

  5. Got some really Crazy video of a huge truck accident. Tanks flips and spills its fuel.
